Monday, August 3, 2009

the new apartment!

Okay! I found my camera cable! And the strength to compose bounteous posts because I also located my bag of 3-in-1s and had TWO, yay! Here are some pics of the new apartment! It's partially furnished, which is why there are couches and dining room table, etc.

Here is Al at the bar in the kitchen. The kitchen is what sold us on this place, which is not exactly conveniently placed. The apartment complex is old by S'pore standards but has been well cared for, restored and remodeled, so quite nice, modern and spacious!
Here is my bedroom--
and my wardrobes/closets. Very cool! I need to buy more clothes!
Here is the living room, we're on the 14th floor so an awesome view...
And the dining room as viewed from the living room
Here you can see the living room through the big glass window from the porch. I can't wait to get some plants!
Here is the view from the porch.
The apartment block across the way has very cool ornamentation on the top floor. I keep wandering over there to look for Gozer the Traveler who will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. YO, GOZER I AM THE KEYMASTER! And when I find him many shuvs and zuuls will know what it is to be roasted in the depths of Slor on that day, I can tell you!

We're missing a lot of furniture but what the heck, we have internet so all is well.

There's an awesome cross-breeze through the place if you open up all the windows and the doors (which is considered fine here, I'm told. There are actually metal grill doors which you can lock and keep your door open all the time, I should get a pic of that...). But we turn on the aircon at night because I'm worried about the cat jumping up on the windows, miscalculating and falling 14 floors. 0_o Hardly anyone has window screens in S'pore though most people have window grills (as you can see in pics). A friend has recommended a company that specializes in installing screens, we've made an appointment for them to come out and do an estimate.

S'pore is really noisy which takes a bit of getting used to, even moreso than Boston. The country is always making more of itself so there are jackhammers and construction noises all through the day. People here are dog-lovers so there's a constant highpitched yip/yap of apartment dogs being walked past townhouse dogs out in the yard, morning and evening. Then there's the streetsweeper truck which comes by approximately every 16 minutes to continue the WAR ON LEAVES which you see being conducted everywhere!! In S'pore trees are good but leaves on the ground must be vacumned or swept up by Leaf Commandos immediately!!!

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