Sunday, August 9, 2009

my bag!!1!1!!!!!@!@@!!

Okay! I can't believe I haven't showed you guys this yet. My Singapore rig!
This is the CaseLogic bag I found down at Funan. My previous awesome bag, set up for Boston proved woefully inadequate for S'pore. It was way too small to accommodate all the new necessities. And I was beginning to despair finding something suitable, here in the Land of Conspicuous Consumption Designer Handbags, when lo!!! in Funan we found an entire store of nothing but Case Logic products!! *geek gasm!!!!*

This bag is actually a mini laptop bag, but works brilliantly as a daysack.
It's even a great color since I am forbidden to buy any more black things >.>;;;;

The little orange bag carabinered to the outside is another caselogic bag, padded, with a drawstring close, perfect for rapid deployment of the camera!

Behold, the kit!
Okay! Clock-wise, starting upper left with the bag:
-Daruma charm (very important!)
-foldy out purse hanger (you put the flat metal part on the table and hang your bag strap off the hooky, useful for keeping your bag off the very public floors of the hawker centers),
-hankerchief I got from Porter Square in Cambridge, useful! need to get more,
-keys (2 for the front door, 1 for the gate and THREE keycards :D;;;)
-sunglasses, glasses,
-folding fan ($2 at Daiso!!),
-passport, checkbook,
-portable toothwipes, bandaids (new shoes T____T), oil absorbing papers for face (essential in s'pore)
-travel sunscreen (2),
-zazzle business cards, burt's bees chapstick (lipbalm not really needed here, it turns out),
-hand sanitzer, moist wipes and tough-ply tissues (all of which you need at hawker centers since no one gives you napkins, ever, and there are rarely places to wash hands after wrestling chili crab to the ground),
-umbrella (more useful as sunshade than for sudden squalls. You're gonna get drenched if you get caught out in one of those, umbrella or not),
-Kiva bag (more on that in a sec),
-change + lucky Sacagawea dollar given to me by Linda a million years ago!
-phone, wallet, and ezpass for MRT

Oh, and in the middle, the ever present list of things we have to get for the house. :/

Keychain Kiva stuff-sack bag was a present from Al's relatives. Most excellent bit of gear! Compresses to almost nothing, light parachute material, uncompreses into indestructable little bag PERFECT for carrying groceries. Seriously, you can load it up with like 12 pounds of stuff - the straps are just big enough to get over your shoulder so it's supporting all the weight. This little bag has made the walk back from the grocerystore doable.

Nothing like a well stocked daysack to make you feel adapted to your environment.

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