Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Deeeeeee bulleted list catch-up

Oi, 10 days since last update. I catch you up with a bulleted list! All about MEEEEE1!1!11!@
  • the boat came with our stuff! we unpacked it all and left it lying in tottering piles all over the condo!! We have spoons!
  • we put up screens for the cat. Well, we're ALLLmost done with that. Sharply perceptive Dee, with eyes of the eagle, spots an alternative to the screenMan at the DIY store (upstairs from Jen Jelita Cold Storage, which, I LOVE that store, it's small but the inventory is as refined and whole as a perfect pearl and you can find everything you need, really, and the Amazing Iron Man is there on weekends too! Demonstrating his AMAZING STEAM IRON *SKISSSSSH SKISSSSH* which I should write a post about later....) Anyway, the nice screenman who came and gave us an estimate of $1,800 for screens for all the windows and I was like *@#&(@^! WHUT CANNOT DO (even though he was a very nice guy and I'm sure the price was fair, it was just too much right now on top of everything else). So what we have done to keep the cat on THIS floor and not hurtling down 14 stories at terminal velocity is cable-stay plastic netting to the window grill. Which works great and is a billion times cheaper. By Grabthor's Hammer, what a savings! More money to spend on laksa, yay...
  • let's see, I went to many meetings on campus for the new job last week. I like the people at NUS, I like being on campus, it feels like home. We almost got killed taking a shortcut over the ridge jungle back from the food court after lunch though. That's okay, I know the climate is just doing its job and it's nothing personal that it wants me to suffer heatstroke and die. My computer's on order and should arrive within thenext couple of weeks.
  • we just finished Nightschool chapter 15 marathon!! Time for 2nd half of Odd Thomas toning marathon, yay!!
  • I updated my portfolio site at Well, I haven't finished the about part yet but who cares. I did it in preparation for the con, which, I spent about an hour there on Sunday. But! there were comics! Lots of comics! It wasn't like Anime Boston, for example-- table after table of pinup fan art, bleah-- there was some fanart there too, but there were books! Lots of them. Sequentials! Very happy. I bought a big pile and chatted a bit with creators but was in too much of a hurry to get back to work to stop too long, loooking forward to actually sitting down and reading my pile soon...
  • we went out to hotpot with Cynthia!!! It was awesome!! That deserves a separate post with pics...
. . . durrrr.... I'm sure there was more stuff... well, I can only think of stupid stuff like when I woke up day before yesterday after not too much sleep with a powerful misty image in my mind of a beautiful new moon hanging in a powerfully deeeeep blue-black sky accompanied by a brilliant shimmering star. ... and then, after a cup of coffee, realized that I hadn't dreamed this after all but had woken up and actually seen it out by bedroom window, which I confirmed by checking out Sky & Telescope then had to look up Castor and Pollux on wikipedia so here's your cheesecake for the day, hubba hubba!

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