Saturday, July 18, 2009

i haz exotic fruitz

One of Al's cow orkers brought him a huge bag of these things the other day.

Because she is from here, we actually know what they are and how to eat them (as opposed to the rambutan, longan, lychee confusion, still on-going...)

... anyway, these are mangosteens!

Delicious! And fun! So to eat them, you take the fruit in both hands and SQUESH EET. Which pops open the heavy rind revealing the succulent white flesh within. The red stuff is very bitter so you don't eat that. And it tastes like... mangosteens. Not sure how to describe it, it doesn't taste like anything I've ever eaten before.

Apparently foodies in NYC pay $11 each for these things because they are so exotic and you can only get them in 1 market. So we have roughly 300 bucks worth of mangaosteens. Mmm mm!

1 comment:

  1. BTW, just found out from Cynthia that the red rind, the juice of which I got all over my pants, will NEVAH come out. T____T
