Saturday, July 25, 2009

dee's life, bulleted update

  • Friday, 24 jul 2009: we got the cat back. One MONTH in quarantine. Too long, S'pore.

  • We found an apartment. 2 year lease is a leeetle odd but typical here, I am told. We're on the 14th floor and the view is awesome. The landlord seems really cool and I've found a friend in our rental agent. Pics coming, end of next week.

  • I am getting tan. This is WITH sunscreen AND putting up the umbrella on particularly piercingly sunny days. UV rays here curve under umbrellas and go merrily through your shirt, mocking your puny efforts to limit their play. Nyah.

  • IKEA here is pronounced ICK EE AH. Not EYE KEE YAH.

  • Still looking for a good comic book store. Kinokunya has a lousy selection. C. recommends Comics Mart at Serene Center, an expedition is planned soon...

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