Wednesday, July 22, 2009

fruit inflation

Not only are there rambutans, longans and lychees, there are also...


King rambutans are large and somewhat less hairy-scary than regular rambutans and you can eat the seed. Or so says the Fruit Man in HV who gave me these as a sampler.

Also on the plate-- those awesome little mini limes that taste SO good squeezed over one's bee hoon. And behind that... longsats. Actually, 2 different kinds of longsats. Which look more or less exactly the same, not exactly fair cause one of them you can eat the seeds and the other if you eat the seeds you will LOOK LIKE THIS


and then cry like THIS


and then the Fruit Man will say, I TOLD you not to eat the seeds of THAT one and then all the ppl who are from here will laugh. Ha ha!

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