Wednesday, September 9, 2009

oh crap, it's september

21 days since last post?? Nooooooo! *Glassy sksh-POW ting bling ting! as resolution to post regularly shatters and hits the floor*

Work is kicking my butt. 1 dayjob, 2 night jobs and a side project for the Arteestly Trip to Japan coming up in November (squeee!) which I will tell all about soon, plus the remnants of getting the house set up, which...

Okay, this gets its own ordered list. I call this list:

  1. One set of computer speakers
  2. My printer
Hm... seems like this list should be longer... OKAY IT IS LONGER IN EMOTIONAL TRAUMA WHICH ADDS 12 ITEMS AT LEAST.

So on top of everything else it seems like every weekend something happens that prevents me from working. Like going down to SimLim Square AGAIN. NOT BITTER. to get a new printer because the fierce current of Singapore fried mine with Al's help. Like this:

al: *plug in*
printer: *BAM* *curl of smoke* *acrid smell*
dee: *@*^$#(#@#&$ PRINTER!!!1!!!ACK11!!!
al: Oh... so when the manual says either 120V "or" 220V... that's an EXCLUSIVE "or".
dee: . . .

So all the jobs are like, Dee, where's my stuff which is why I haven't posted or responded to kind emails from my friiiiiends! GOD, THANK YOU FOR WRITING ME, WAH. I think I'm beginning to catch upthough.

We finally got a phone (I don't have one yet. I'm holding out for an iPhone, which, there AREN'T any. Seriously, on the whole island. Singtel: "We're out of iPhones, Ma'am." WHUT. The nation of Singapore is OUT OF iPHONES? For a MONTH? I know, freaky. Anyway... AL gets a phone at last. Which means only one thing. Yes, this...
TAKE OUT PIZZAAAAAAAAA@21!!!!!@@1!! Mana from heaven. Pepperoni pizza, moist with the tears of an expat who hasn't had a good slice in months. Thank you Rocky's Pizza. T____T

I've some really decent food pics I need to upload soon. The thing is, almost EVERY meal in Singapore is memorable, so it's hard to discriminate-- I have to post them all. I mean, after shopping at SimLim the other night we just sort of wandered out to the street, looking for dinner, passed a couple of freakin amazing temples-- one Hindu, one Chinese-- and then stumbled across this tiny mall wherein was this humble little noodle shop staffed by 3 utterly charming and hard-working ladies that served me up one of the best bowls of beef ramen I've ever had in my life and a dish of fried dumplings that I still see in my dreams. I really need to blog every day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dee and Al! Looks like you are having a good time. I love that the most-used label on your blog is "food," although I can't look at this when I am hungry. Matt, ML, Jim, Sus, and Carol all say hello - they are all visiting in DC this weekend. Hope all is well in Singapore!!
